Awards and Tests

Qcells wins n-tv Germany Life & Living Award 2022 as most popular provider of solar technology for the second time in a row
In securing the n-tv award, Qcells has been able to successfully transfer its reputation for excellence and high quality products into its home consumer market, coming out on top in a strong solar technology field that comprised 11 brands in total. Qcells was ranked number one for overall satisfaction for the second year in a row, and also secured first place in the category asking consumers whether they would use the brand again.
n-tv and the German Institute for Service Quality collaborate annually to deliver these awards, which are based on the ratings and feedback of more than 40,000 customer reviews. In total, more than 600 companies across a range of industries are evaluated.

Hanwha Qcells wins Intersolar award 2018 with Q.PEAK DUO-G5
Hanwha Qcells has won the Intersolar Award yet again – this time with the half-cell solar module Q.PEAK DUO-G5.
After the company emerged victorious in 2017 with the innovative Q.PEAK RSF L-G4.2 steel frame module, the jury making up the Intersolar Award 2018 opted for the Q.PEAK DUO-G5 among ten candidates and a total of 51 participants in the competition as one of the most innovative products. The Q.PEAK DUO-G5 impressed the jury with the outstanding performance of its 120 monocrystalline Q.ANTUM DUO half cells.
Thanks to innovative Q.ANTUM DUO Technology, half-format cells, 6-busbar design and round wires, the module output can be boosted by around 5.5 %, thereby setting new standards in terms of performance, yield and low electricity generation costs (LCOE).
You can find more information on the Q.PEAK DUO-G5 here.

The Winner Takes It All
The Q.PEAK RSF L-G4.2 convinces Intersolar Award jury, the Solar Power Portal Award jury and PV magazine jury with reinforced steel-frame concept and many additional innovations Reinforced steel frame design, decentralized junction box, easy mounting system and Q.ANTUM technology combine numerous advantages for higher yields and system performance as well as lower installation cost and lower LCOE.
Receiving the award on behalf of Hanwha Qcells, the company´s Global CTO, Ph.D. Daniel JW Jeong, said:
“We are very pleased about the judgement of the Intersolar Award Jury. Our new steel frame module combines a number of innovations on different levels with our high performance cell technology Q.ANTUM. The improvements in terms of performance, installation cost and LCOE are such that we believe this technology is likely to be setting the next industry standard regarding solar modules for utility scale applications.”

Solar + Power Award for Excellence - Innovation
The Solar + Power Award was created in 2011, to recognise the whole value chain and those people, products and services that develop innovative manufacturing and product approaches. The Solar + Power Award categories consider the whole value chain from materials to end product, from process to individual. The judges are the industry itself. In 2017 Qcells won the award for Excellence Innovation. Judge’s remark: "Hanwha Qcells is commended for its Q.ANTUM technology that enhances conventional PERC cell performance through nano coatings while also controlling degradation effects (PID, LID, and LeTID) for increased efficiency and quality."

“Top Brand PV Modules Europe 2022” for Hanwha Qcells
In 2022 Hanwha Qcells obtained the “Top Brand PV” Seal (modules) of EuPD Research (Hoehner Research & Consulting Group) for the markets in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, France, Netherlands, Great Britain and Belgium.
EuPD Research regularly evaluates the brand management of module and inverter manufacturers in Germany, France, Italy and Great Britain. They analyze, how companies positively differentiate their products and services as well as the own company from other options in the market and thereby further develop and manage the brand. For the release of the “Top Brand PV” Seal EuPD Research consult installers on brand awareness, brand evaluation, customers’ selection and buying decisions as well as sales.

Our solar modules are top performers even in harsh climates
Qcells modules are tested under climatic condtions far beyond the moderate climate of Germany. Even in such climate conditions, Qcells modules maintained its leading position.
- Alice Springs, Australia: unbeaten in the dry, hot Australian bush for more than two years (
- Saudi Arabia: even the desert sand dust cannot harm our modules.
- New Delhi, India: even in humid, subtropical conditions our test systems achieve a performance ratio of more than 80 %.